Rahul Kumawat
7 min readApr 20, 2021


Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

Now you’ve got an idea about what you’re putting into your body, you are better equipped to make the right decisions. Finding the perfect balance of macro nutrients will be the best way for you to make sense of the snacking aisle. “While being in lockdown doesn’t mean you’ll automatically become deficient in specific nutrients, there are foods you can eat which can help tackle some of the challenges you might be facing in isolation,” Dr Celander says.

“Look for healthier alternatives to your favourite foods that are still just as satisfying. Even take the chance to get creative in the kitchen. For example, homemade burgers and pizza can be just as delicious when made with lean meat and low-fat cheese. Or try bulking out pasta bolognese or shepherd’s pie with extra grated veggies like zucchini and carrot and opt for low-fat dairy over full-fat to help lower the amount of saturated fat and total energy you’re having each day.”

Here is a list of the best healthy snacks for weight loss.

1. Eggs

“With recommendations to stay at home as much as possible, you may be missing out on your regular dose of sunshine which remains the best way of upping your Vitamin D levels,” Dr Celander says. Few foods contain vitamin D, however eggs, as well as oily fish like sardines, mackerel and salmon, are some of the best dietary sources — they’re also a ZeroPoint food on WW, which means they don’t have to be measured or tracked when you follow the program, making them a great go-to foods.”

Carbohydrate: Low
Protein: High
Fat: High
Contains: Vitamin D, Vitamin A


2. Kiwi Fruit

With everyone trying to up to their current health capabilities, there has been a big push for immune-boosting foods. “Along with citrus fruits including oranges, tangelos, lemons, limes, mandarins and grapefruit — all ripe and ready in the colder months — look for kiwifruit, which has twice the vitamin C content of an orange. With powerful antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin, kiwifruit has been studied for its potential role in boosting immunity, as well as protecting against macular degeneration — a leading form of blindness,” Dr Celander says.

Carbohydrate: High
Protein: Low
Fat: Low
Contains: Vitamin C

3. Mixed Nuts

Linked to a reduced rate of heart disease, nuts are an incredibly valuable source of natural fats. Nature’s treats, nuts are also highly filling, meaning that a quick hit won’t leave you hungry again in a matter of minutes. But be warned, the high level of fat makes this healthy snack high in calories.

Carbohydrate: Moderate
Protein: Moderate
Fat: High
Contains: Magnesium, Vitamin B-6


4. Greek Yoghurt

Greek, unsweetened yoghurt makes for a delicious healthy snack when you are craving something creamy. In addition to being a great source of calcium and potassium, Greek yogurt is also high in protein, helping you to stay fuller for longer.

Carbohydrate: Low
Protein: High
Fat: Moderate
Contains: Calcium, Potassium, Protein, Zinc, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12

5. Celery Sticks

A classic low-carb snack, celery sticks are essentially just water with a few added benefits. These ones have almost no calories at all, so while celery sticks won’t necessarily fill you with energy, they will keep your hunger at bay.

Carbohydrate: Low
Protein: Low
Fat: Low
Contains: Potassium

6. Salmon

“In times of uncertainty and feeling cooped up at home, you may find your mood slipping,” Dr Celander says. “While there’s no one food that will boost your mood on its own, there are many that may help when eaten as part of a balanced diet. For example, eating tryptophan-rich foods, such as fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, beans, oats and cheese, helps create serotonin — which is involved in regulating mood and sleep. Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as oily varieties of fish, like salmon may also help decrease the risk of low mood.”

Carbohydrate: Low
Protein: High
Fat: High
Contains: Tryptophan, Cobalamin


7. Dates

If you’re looking for a bit of a sweet fix, dates are the perfect way to break the cycle. The dried fruit is rich in natural sugars, making it a healthy snack that will not only satisfy your cravings but keep your energy levels high.

Carbohydrate: High
Protein: Low
Fat: Low

8. Dark Chocolate

Loaded with flavanols that may lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease, dark chocolate is a delicious weight loss snack. Make sure you go for an option that contains at least 70 per cent coca solids though, everything else is usually just filled with sugar.

Carbohydrate: Moderate
Protein: Moderate
Fat: Low
Contains: Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc

9. Whey Protein Shake

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out whey protein shakes will include a fair amount of protein, making them one of the best muscle-fibre building healthy foods on this list. A high-quality whey protein will regularly feature very little fat and few carbohydrates meaning that this healthy snack also registers as a low-calorie food.

Carbohydrate: Low
Protein: High
Fat: Low
Contains: Milk proteins


10. Canned Tuna

Rich in protein and natural fats, canned tuna is a healthy snack that can be eaten at any time of the day. Like other fatty fish, tuna has a solid amount of omega oils, which can aid in brain function and muscle development. Just be careful, flavoured tuna can hide a wealth of sugars and fats, so be sure to check the macros on the can.

Carbohydrate: Low
Protein: High
Fat: Moderate
Contains: Tryptophan, Cobalamin

11. Peanut Butter

A quality peanut butter should consist of three ingredients; peanuts, salt and butter. If you have managed to pick up just that, then you have got yourself one healthy snack for weight loss. The low-carb snack is high in calories though, thanks to its significant fat content.

Carbohydrate: Low
Protein: High
Fat: High
Contains: Magnesium, Iron

12. Air Popped Popcorn

Dr Celander says that air popped popcorn is one healthy snack that you can eat a lot of, thanks to its low-carb, low-calorie content. “It’s a great smart swap for chips and gives you something to crunch throughout the day,” she says.

Carbohydrate: Moderate
Protein: Moderate
Fat: Moderate
Contains: Calcium, Potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin K


13. Wholemeal Toast with Ricotta and Honey

“Nutritious carbohydrates are your best bet for when you need some quick energy,” Dr Celander says. “They will give you a boost and keep you going for longer than a high-sugar food will. If wholemeal toast isn’t your thing, try some wholemeal crackers or a small tub of low-fat yoghurt with fresh fruit.”

Carbohydrate: High
Protein: High
Fat: High

14. Frozen Grapes

Some of us prefer to savour our snacks, so rather than reaching for the sweets, Dr Celander suggests going to the freezer. “Frozen grapes or berries take longer to eat than, say, a chocolate which is gone in seconds. A piping hot cappuccino or steaming mug of tea can also do the trick,” she says.

Carbohydrate: Low
Protein: High
Fat: High
Contains: Tryptophan, Cobalamin

15. Pistachios in the Shell

“When emotional eating kicks in and you’ve tried a non-food activity like a walk but it hasn’t done the trick, opt for snacks that take some time to prepare like pistachios in the shell, fruit you have to peel (try a mandarin), or a sundae made with yoghurt, chopped fruit and a sprinkling of cereal and nuts.”

Carbohydrate: Moderate
Protein: High
Fat: High
Contains: Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Iron


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Rahul Kumawat
Rahul Kumawat

Written by Rahul Kumawat


i am a diet planer who helps people to lose their weight and increase their confidence

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